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Welcome to Afrimama,

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Ijebu Garri Picture

Ijebu Garri

We deliver dry and Crunchy Ijebu Garri to your homes stress free.

NGN 800.00 per kg

Stone-free Ofada Rice Picture

Stone-free Ofada Rice

We deliver Stone-free and Odourless Ofada Rice to your homes.

NGN 3,000.00 for 2kg

Plantain Flour Picture

Plantain Flour

Your Farmfresh Unripe Plantain flour serves about 7 Adults at a go.

NGN 2,500.00 per kg

Fufu Flour Picture

Fufu Flour

Your Farmfresh Unripe Plantain flour serves about 7 Adults at a go.

NGN 2,000.00 per kg

Yam Flour Picture

Yam Flour

Your Farmfresh Yam flour serves about 7 Adults at a go.

NGN 2,000.00 per kg

About Us

For us, the goal is to make life stress-free, we currently deliver Dry-crunchy garri, Stone-free Ofada Rice, Plaintain Flour, Yam Floor, and Odourless Fufu Floor. At Afrimama, we provide farm-fresh food, but making sure you get foodstuffs seamlessly and stressfree at no additional cost.
Food lovers like you motivate and inspire us to provide essential food at affordable prices.Your reviews, observations and questions drives us to do more. To get more updates, fill in your name and contact to get free delivery and notification of more products here.
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Trusted by hundreds of buyers across the country



food delivered so far.

Our Mission and Vision

Our Mission is to relieve you of the stress of ordering your food items.

You want to make jollof rice, we got all the ingredients, You want to make eba or fufu, we got all the ingredients without you leaving home. Easy peasy with Afrimama. What's more, you can even buy now and pay later.

Our Vision is to become the go-to company for affordable food, at the comfort of your homes and in a stressfree manner.